About Hooters Jrs

What is Hooters Jrs?

Listen, LOOK, Hooters Jrs is a show about Host, host of the number one podcast — Hooters Jrs: The Durgan McFlurgStang Story leave a FIVE STAR written review, but it’s also about a bunch of other stuff. What? Do you want an actual introduction? Okay, fine. Something like this?: “When the host of a number one podcast learns of the murder of a poor rural town’s savant, an investigation is opened into the mysterious and profitable death of an Australian man named Durgan McFlurgStang, the proud owner of Hooters Jrs (“where the kids are the cooks”) — a restaurant brimming with health code violations and abusive child labor practices — that may hold the key to surviving an ever approaching—” BLAM! That’s giving away too much information. All you need to know is… This is a podcast? Yea, this is a podcast. About stuff and other things.

Who Wrote This Garbage?

In actuality, this podcast was written by AMERICA, but also, it was written by Host, or the body that Host is trapped inside of… and I guess that other guy, Cameron’s Tax Guy, yea, he helped write the plot points, a significant amount of jokes, and produced whatever you’re listening to now. But who are they? Like, actually? They’re just two struggling artists (with a six million dollar loan) who wanted to bring attention to the problem that is — Rural Americana & The Rich Man’s Burden.

Working from opposite ends of America, these two spent over a year writing and recording what turned out to be a number one podcast, FOR MONEY, without any funding or input from corporations *wink wink* Square Space.

Why? & Should I Give you Money?

This podcast was created for no other reason than — we had the money, time, and dedication to do so. Hooters Jrs will always remain free (unless it doesn’t), but if you enjoyed the podcast and have the ability to do so, we please ask that you donate, support us on patreon, buy some overpriced t-shirt from our store, leave a FIVE STAR written review, or email us praises, along with your credit card information and a picture of your passport and social security card. We’d like to keep doing this and so we will keep doing this, but it’d be a lot easier to do it if we didn’t have to worry about rent or the rising price of heroin.

Other facts about our team:

Political leanings?
We’re totally apolitical.

The advertisements?
Wain’t paid a thang.

No, thank you.

Why Australia?
Your crimes are well-documented.

How do I contact you?
Listen to the credits at the end of every episode ya little servo